Anastasios A. Economides

Professor Anastasios A. Economides is the Director of SMILE (Smart & Mobile Interactive Learning Environments, lab at the University of Macedonia (UoM,, Thessaloniki, Greece. He has a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. His research interests include mobile, adaptive, personalized, collaborative learning & assessment, as well as user experience & acceptance of smart IoT systems & services. He has published two (2) books, more than one hundred (100+) peer-reviewed journal papers, one hundred fifty (150+) peer-reviewed conference papers, and twenty (20+) peer-reviewed chapter books. He ranks #50 among the top Computer Science Scientists in Greece. He has received over 7000 citations, h-index = 43, i10-index = 126, (2021):

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Exploring how to (re)use Language Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Moodle
Alexander Mikroyannidis, Anastasios A. Economides, Dr. Maria Perifanou

The OPENLang Network platform is an open and collaborative Moodle-based environment for networking between language learners and teachers across Europe. This platform has been developed in the context of the OPENLang Network Erasmus+ project ( that is coordinated by the University of Macedonia, Greece. In this session, we will present the OPENLang Network platform and the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that we have recently launched on this platform, entitled: "Exploring how to (re)use Language Open Educational Resources (OERs)". This 4-week MOOC aims at guiding participants through the discovery, use, and reuse of OER for teaching purposes in language education. The MOOC participants explore what is an OER and what is an Open Educational Practice (OEP). Additionally, the MOOC presents the main characteristics and benefits of using language OERs, as well as the main challenges of introducing OERs in language education. The OPENLang Network platform and the MOOC are available at:
