Εκπαιδευτικός δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης του κλάδου ΠΕ04.05 (Γεωλόγος). Μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στο Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο στους υδατικούς πόρους και στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου στην ειδική αγωγή και εκπαίδευση. Εκπαιδευτής ενηλίκων και με επιμόρφωση στην διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση και στην διδασκαλία σε σχολεία δεύτερης ευκαιρίας.
In modern education, actions that facilitate students with learning disabilities should be applied to educational practices in order to form an inclusive environment. Platforms like Moodle can positively influence the education of students with learning disabilities and offer virtual learning opportunities and prospects that would in any other case be impossible. Students are facilitated through the multi-sensory approach to cognitive material, it has still been observed that students in the autism spectrum work better with technology. Through the virtual learning platform, there is still the ability to adapt to the needs of the student (vision, hearing, etc.) as well as to be able to manage educational material at any time and as many times the student wants. The role of the Moodle platform is multidimensional and assisted with the school lesson can be a flexible functional potential with complex properties and for multiple uses.