Emmanouil A. Demetroulis
Emmanouil A. Demetroulis was born on 1977 in New York, U.S.A. He studied in Coventry University U.K at the Department of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering. He holds a B.Eng and M.Sc in Engineering and Engineering Business Management.He is currently a Ph. D student at the University of Peloponnese

As it is frequently expressed by many scholars and researchers, educational robotics presents a powerful tool in order for a variety of skills to be developed. However, educational robotics by itself is not able to be that groundbreaking if it’s not supported by the appropriate pedagogical methodologies and techniques. This research aims to mold pedagogical theories into a framework that supports the development of collaboration skills through the use of educational robotics. This research is on the second year of being implemented in formal school settings and it is important to state that the results are encouraging. During the first year of this research there were observations that were very promising in terms of developing the skills that are directly related to collaboration. However, there were no tangible or quantifiable results to support this. This second year, the observations are paired with tangible and quantifiable results, not only for the need to show evidence that the development is evident, but to try to reveal as well the relationship of the tasks to the development of the skills.