Efstathia Pantazopoulou
Efstathia Pantazopoulou has been working as a teacher in Private Education since 2009, while
alongside her teaching duties she continues her academic career. Since 2019, she is a PhD
Candidate in the Department of Educational Studies, School of Philosophy, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her main academic and research interests focus on students’
cognitive development, Special Education, STEAM and ICT in Education. Since 2009 specializes
in Special Education and mainly in writing and reading system for blind people (Braille System).
She is also a native Greek speaker and is fluent in English and French.
She has created educational and training material for both General and Special Education and
she has implemented various seminars and workshops. She is member of research teams in
many national and European Research Programs and she has presented scientific articles in
scientific conferences and research scientific journals -both international and national- on
Pedagogical Sciences, Teaching and Innovative Educational Practices.
Her philosophy is that each child is unique, therefore they learn and thrive at their own pace,
while the role of the teacher is to inspire students who are inquisitive and agile.

The project LOOP - Scaffolding in Teacher Development: Mentoring and Mentors in Induction Programs, (Erasmus+ KA2 European Project, 2020-1-PT01-KA201-078764) by the partners in Portugal, Greece, Italy and German (Casa do Professor, coordinator (Portugal); National Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece); CESIE (Italy); IPSSEOA Pietro Piazza (Italy); 1º Peiramatiko Gymnasio Athinas (Greece); ASDPESO // Colégio João Paulo II (Portugal; Gymnasiale Oberstufe des Schulzentrums Carl von Ossietzky (German)) set as global objectives
i) To increase European citizenship and the development of the teaching profession, using shared experiences among the participating countries;
ii) To promote online community learning networks and innovative pedagogical practices among teachers, school leaders and other stakeholders;
iii) To influence teacher training policy in order to strengthen international and intergenerational cooperation;
iv) To contribute to the valorisation of the teaching career by offering successive conditions of support, feedback and guidance;
v) To increase the access and success rate of different mentoring programs.
with the main to outline vision on induction programs and in particular on mentoring in schools, with a specific focus on their regional variations in order to
• Characterizing the mentoring programs and their regional variations
• Knowing the role and opinion of school leaders and other stakeholders associated with mentoring activities
• Knowing and portraying the role of mentors
• Knowing the impact and needs of organizations
• Create a mentoring online network
• Developing a strategy to support mentoring programs
• Building bridges between the different performers