Tasos Koutoumanos

Dr Anastasios (Tasos) Koutoumanos holds a PhD in Software Engineering and Learning Technologies and has a long-standing R&D focus on the field of Learning Technologies and their use for the implementation of novel learning environments. As Eummena's Chief Technologist, Tasos leads Eummena's technical force for impactful EdTech products. As a seasoned EdTech expert and Eummena's partner, he shapes the vision of Eummena's products, standing to Eummena's values for human-centered design and unlocking the human potential.

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Openup Moodle, Scaleup your Learning Experience Platform
Tasos Koutoumanos, Nikos Palavitsinis

What are the best approaches for opening up Moodle and integrating it with other platforms of your Educational insitution or your Workplace? How can Moodle help moving from "walled gardens" to open playgrounds for online learning and a seamless Learning Experience across interconnected platforms? How can API-driven integrations help for scalability and robustness of your Moodle platform?

We will present our experience as Eummena, in making Moodle the central component of Learning Experience Platforms for Universities, training organisations and workplaces, based on API-driven techniques as well as well-supported open standards and protocols.
