Inclusive instructional approaches and course design in Higher education
2020-11-27, 17:10–17:30 (Europe/Athens), Room 1

Moodle has traditionally been used to acquaint students with the same input that is relevant to their courses through video-recordings which are usually followed by quizzes or assignments or expecting the same output from all students within a designated time frame that aims to test students' ability to remember and apply in similar contexts. Instructional practices facilitated by a moodle course design, however, are not always appropriate for the diverse pool of students attending our online courses. Critical digital academic skills and multimodality are not always taken into account. Inclusive course design and instructional practices are often neglected or even ignored. This presentation will explain the rationale behind an inclusive course design following students' reflections and recommendations and it will present a rubric that can be used by teachers who are eager to create a more inclusive online course using Moodle.

See also: Presentation

Currently teaching academic English for Science courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Crete in Greece, Kallia Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts has been interested in critical digital academic literacies honed in current instructional practices. As a Technical Board Coordinator in the European programme “Chain reaction” in 2013-2016 exploring Inquiry Based Learning pedagogical applications, Kallia sought to identify key skills in order for students to succeed in a variety of spoken and written scientific contexts and published three coursebooks on English for Specific Academic Purposes (e.g. Chemistry EAP 1 and Biology EAP 2) for international undergraduate students. Creating inclusive online materials and courses is a new project that she is currently focusing on as a Training of the Trainers (totT) Coordinator at the University of Crete.

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