George Bekiaridis
George is Chief Executive of Active Citizens Partnership ( He has a bachelor’s degree in informatics and a Master’s Degree in Distance Learning. Has long experience of working with European funded and transnational projects. He is specialised in research and development into digital pedagogies and technology enhanced learning, the recognition of informal learning, the training of teachers and trainers and development of open source software for education and Open Educational Resources. He has designed and implemented more than 30 research projects last 10 years. Last 3 years he is working on different projects on Artificial Intelligence and its role in adult, VET and School education all over Europe.

In this session, we will present the LangMOOC platform (, an open language learning Moodle-based environment which offers openly accessible language courses in 5 languages (Greek, English, Italian, German, and Norwegian). The LangMOOC is a project co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ KA2: Strategic partnership programme and its focus is to provide support for language learning and promote multilingualism via the implementation of Massive Open Online Courses for Language Learning. The main aim of the project is to research the potential of MOOCs in Language Learning, to explore the pedagogical framework of Language MOOCs, to develop a toolkit for the creation and management of Language MOOCs and Open Educational Resources (OERs) and to test the use of OERs in language MOOCs. Moodle platform was chosen for the language MOOCs by the consortium after thorough research of different providers of MOOC platforms. The main criteria for selecting Moodle were openness (open source LMS) and customizability.