Anastasios A. Economides

Professor Anastasios A. Economides is the Director of SMILE (Smart & Mobile Interactive Learning Environments, lab at the University of Macedonia (UoM,, Thessaloniki, Greece. He has a M.Sc. (1987) and a Ph.D. (1990) degree in Computer Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. His research interests include mobile, adaptive, personalized, collaborative learning & assessment, as well as user experience & acceptance of smart IoT systems & services. He has published two (2) books, more than one hundred (100+) peer-reviewed journal papers, one hundred fifty (150+) peer-reviewed conference papers, and twenty (20+) peer-reviewed chapter books. He has received over 6000 citations, h-index = 41, i10-index = 115, (2020):

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The OpenLang Network Platform: Using Moodle to Build a European Community of Language Learners and Teachers
Alexander Mikroyannidis, Dr. Maria Perifanou, Anastasios A. Economides

In this session, we will present the OpenLang Network platform, an open and collaborative Moodle-based environment for networking between language learners and teachers across Europe. The OpenLang Network platform brings together educators wanting to discover and share open language learning resources, as well as Erasmus+ mobility participants that wish to improve their language skills and cultural knowledge. This initiative is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and aims at raising language awareness of mobility European languages, as well as fostering the Open Education European multicultural and multilingual vision via Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). You can access and join the OpenLang Network platform at:

Room 1